Nix, Your Personal Hydration Coach
get the same information that would cost hundreds more to get in a lab
Building Better Athletes ®
get the same information that would cost hundreds more to get in a lab
FOCUS ON HYDRATION There’s a common misconception that rehydration during exercise isn’t as important in cold weather, but sweating from extra layers and the fact we don’t feel as thirsty…
Are you plagued with stomach, digestion, or gut issues? Don’t worry, gut issues are common with endurance athletes and I have something for you to try. The product is called Xendurance Probiotic+Prebiotic.…
I’m answering the top 5 questions I’ve been getting the past few weeks for you. From how to fuel for winter training to the difference between gels and chews. Have more…
I know it is that time of year when all you hear about is “immunity,” but athletes need to have a plan for the winter months. We all hate when…
In terms of innovative recovery gear this year, the Theracup is a top contender. It is bringing cupping treatment in a safe way to home. I was very impressed with…
Over the next three days, I have some fantastic new recovery gear products for you that just arrived. Today is about unlocking low back pain, something I know too much…
Do you have neck and shoulder pain from training, being hunched on your bike, or from running? Most athletes experience tension in these areas and finding relief that does not…
What makes UCAN sports nutrition different then other fueling options is its use of a novel type of carb: a non-GMO cornstarch called a SuperStarch. Slow-Energy Release UCAN products use…
Ever have a sore lower back or tight upper back from long rides or too much time on the computer? Thorex is the ultimate replacement for your foam roller. The…