In terms of innovative recovery gear this year, the Theracup is a top contender. It is bringing cupping treatment in a safe way to home. I was very impressed with how well they worked and how easy they were to use.
As background, cupping is a recovery/treatment that came to mainstream attention when people saw the purple circles on Michael Phelps at the Rio Olympics.
It is a technique that many PTs and Athletes swear by for increasing blood flow and myofascial release for tight muscles. Until now, the challenge was that you needed a PT or trainer to do it on you.
If done it in the past at the PT office, but using the Theracups was the first time I had done it to myself. I was a bit intimated at first, but it was super easy, didn’t hurt, and the pain relief afterward was remarkable.
The first thing you will notice is how well-built the Theracups are. They are made by Therabody, the creator of the Theragun.
How to use the cups?
You apply the cups to a specific area for about 3 minutes per region.
Neck pain? Use them at the base of your neck on the inner part of your shoulders.
Knee Pain? Use them on your IT band to release a tight IT band that maybe add tension to your knee and make it track unnaturally.
Low Back Pain? Yes, please! Apply them to the left and right side of your low back. This is by far my favorite relief for low back pain. It addresses pain, and I feel the increased blood flow accelerates healing.
What I like is how quick the treatments are and how easy the TheraCups make it to apply. You turn on the cup and just place it on the area you want to treat, and the suction happens automatically.
You have three levels of suction to choose from, and for safety, it has a maximum suction that triggers it to shut off, so you don’t need to worry about going too far.
The Theracups also have three heat settings and vibrations, making it a much more pleasant and relaxing experience than standard cups.
I recommend you get two cups to start. We offer a single cup for people who already have 2 cups to add a third cup. You can use just two cups for your shoulders/neck and low back.
The third cup is helpful if you use it on your IT band, hamstring, quads, or tibialis (outside your shin). These locations benefit from 3 cups spread out in line with a few inches between them.
The last time I had cupping done it was $120 a session. So in two sessions, you have paid for a 2 pack of Theracups. The ROI is hard to beat on this piece of gear.