Do you have neck and shoulder pain from training, being hunched on your bike, or from running?
Most athletes experience tension in these areas and finding relief that does not include having a deep tissue massage every week can be challenging.
Get those hard-to-reach muscles:
We just bought a new product called The NUCKLE.
It is the first tool designed to target those tiny muscles (suboccipital muscles) at the base of your head to release and help realign your neck and shoulders.
It is not just your neck muscles; this device also targets those tiny muscles in your chest called the pec minor. The secret here is you can release tension in both muscle groups to relieve your neck and shoulder pain quickly.
How does it work:
Place The NUCKLE under your neck.
It is designed with 3 sets of “tips,” each is different angles and widths, try all 3 and find the one that feels best for you.
Allow the 2 tips to press on each side of the spine.
I move the device slowly up and down to find the tightest spot and start there to release tensions quickly.
Once you have found that tight spot, keep the knuckle there (it will hurt a little bit) until you begin to feel the muscle relaxing, this could take a few minutes.
Continue doing this up and down the base of your neck in order to hit all of your muscles.
I’m impressed by how simple and effective the NUCKLE is, and I’m excited to have other athletes try it.