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This week’s five things to try out in your training are all things that were major topics of discussion this week at The Feed.

1) Nitrates, Nitrate, Nitrates

Without naming names, we had a run on our nitrate products (i.e., Nitric Oxide Boosters) by prominent World Tour Teams this week. Multiple teams all ordered in large quantities, so something special must be going on. 

We also discussed with Dr. Kevin Sprouse the advantages of taking Nitric Oxide Booster daily, not just before a workout. Specifically, two capsules of SwissRX Nitric Oxide each morning. This is good for general cardiovascular health and a great way to build up Nitrate reserves, making it even more effective during training. 

  • Boost athletic performance naturally with Nitrate Boosters
  • The best protocol is to take two capsules each morning of SwissRX Nitric Oxide then again pre-workout.
  • Pre-Workout take Sur AltRed, SwissRX Nitric Oxide, or if you prefer a drink over capsules, checkout BeetElite.

2) The best recovery shake?

Recovery shake. Most recovery shakes are designed to only refuel you with carbs and protein.

Our favorite is SwissRX Total Recovery because it refuels you AND helps control post-workout inflammation. The magic ingredients are Bee Propolis, Turmeric, Quercetin, and L-Glutamine to settle inflammation that comes from your gut. 

  • Total Recovery – favorite Recovery Shake
  • The secret is that it helps reduce post-workout inflammation.
  • My favorite flavor is Strawberry, but it also comes in Vanilla Chai, and Chocolate Mint. 

3) Spermidine for more energy (and luscious locks!)

Spermidine is a relatively new supplement product and has become very popular with Bio-hackers. It is a European wheat germ extract that our gut microbiome naturally produces but declines as we age, making supplementation even more important. 

The promise of Spermidine is more energy and better cellular health by increasing autophagy. Most people “fast” to increase autophagy (ie.. the killing off of old cells), but Spermidine has the promise to do the same thing in a pill. 

One of the other reported side effects (or benefits) is stronger hair and nails. There is a growing body of research on Spermidine, but we recommend trying it out and seeing if it works for you. Do you have more energy? Better sleep cycles? Does your hair look better? 

  • Popular new supplement with bio-hackers
  • It is a wheat germ extract that is shown to improve cellular health by increasing autophagy (dying off of old cells)
  • The promise is more energy, and almost for sure, you will notice stronger hair and nails. 

4) Collagen Shots

Momentous Collagen Shots

The science around collagen is that studies show it has much higher absorption in soft tissue (tendon and ligaments) if you take it 45 minutes before training.  

Momentous has made it easy to follow this protocol with a collagen shot (like a gel) that you can take pre-workout.

  • Collagen pre-workout is the key to having it absorbed in your soft tissue.
  • New Momentous Collagen Shot makes it easy to take as it comes like a Gel Shot you take 45 minutes before training.

5) HOTSHOT for muscle soreness

Many of you may know of HOTSHOT as a drink shot you take when cramping. Now they have a new version for post-workout muscle soreness. Their data is impressive, with 92% of athletes feeling less muscle pain the day after and 84% saying they have less muscle soreness after their longest workouts.

Even though it is all about recovery, the secret is to take it 15 minutes BEFORE your workout. It works to prevent hyperactive nerves triggered during exercise. The flavor is a spicy Peach flavor. 

  • New HOTSHOT product focused on muscle soreness
  • You take it before your workout to stop nerves from becoming hyperactive.
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